Meander Valley Gazette

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Westbury Lions named Club Of The Year

Westbury Lions Club was named “Club Of The Year” at the recent Lions State Convention held in Launceston.

Club President Paul McMahon said it was a great achievement for the Club, which was established twenty eight years ago.

Westbury Lions Club has been involved in numerous community projects over the years.

Some of these have been one-off projects such as the Westbury Skate Park, the Westbury Showground gates and the Westbury Street Library as examples of local projects.

The Club’s most recent local achievements, in collaboration with Westbury Rotary, have been the establishment of Westbury Men’s Shed and sponsorship for the Westbury Park Run.

Ongoing projects are the collection of used spectacles which are recycled in under-developed countries, sponsorship of a student at Giant Steps, and the Lions-sponsored UTAS Adrian Geard Memorial Nursing Scholarship, which is aimed at assisting a local person to pursue Tertiary study and a career in a field that is critical to the community.

Membership  is at an all-time high. 

In the past three years it has increased by a third, to 36 members, and Mr McMahon said there was always room for more people of any age, gender or background to join.

“Lions provides a great opportunity for people to serve the community. I’m sure there are those who would like to be involved in community service but aren’t sure how to go about it. Clubs like Lions provide that opportunity,” said Mr McMahon.

He said that Westbury Lions’ success is based on cohesion, inclusivity, teamwork and unity.

Prospective members can get more information about Lions from the Club’s Membership Director Anne Townsend on 0439 630 959.