Local artists create a buzz

Bec Watson and Susannah Curtis’s exhibition Where I am was held at HIVE, Ulverstone over summer.

Susannah’s portraits and Bec’s sculptural works explored the notion of connection, which invited viewers to reflect on all the connections at play in our lives - between us, the people we meet, the places we visit, and the objects with which we interact.

Keith Lane’s solo exhibition Witness opened to an enthusiastic crowd at HIVE on 20 January.

Witness is a contemplative exploration of the relationship between the inner body and the world outside.

The works reflect his interests in landscape, the human form and other cultures.

The 18 panel Arboretum dominates the exhibition, but it is complemented by a cohort of humanoid forms bearing intricate cultural semiologic markings and the unsettling historical landscape Eagle Hawk Neck 1842.

The two exhibitions are also connected in many ways.

Personal connections between the artists; the nature and subject matter of displayed works and, unusually, two stunning portraits from Keith and Sussanah that were semi-finalists in the Doug Moran National Portrait Prize.


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