Meander Valley Gazette

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Mole Creek Veterans’ Memorial completed

The Veterans’ Memorial project was initiated by the Mole Creek Progress Association (MCPA) after considerations of how to prevent damage to the cenotaph by the nearby pine tree.

The pine tree had been planted by the Pioneers of Mole Creek, so the MCPA wanted to retain some elements of the tree out of respect for them.

A tree carving was probably the best option, and an idea was put forward to perhaps honour the nine young men who served in Vietnam, most being related to the pioneers for whom the tree was planted.

The project was funded through a grant from the Deloraine and Districts Community Bank.

Meander Valley Council organised the tree lopping and safety fences.

Cranes Combined donated time and equipment for the positioning of the carvings.

The finished project is a credit to all involved and it shows the respect our community has towards our Veterans.