Meander Valley Gazette

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Renee runs for returned soldiers

Renee runs for returned soldiers.

Spreyton runner Renee Ritson has thanked Meander Valley residents for their donations to Mates4Mates as she ran 133km from Penguin to Launceston.

So far Renee’s fundraising efforts on the three-day run have collected $4000 for Mates4Mates, a support organization for returned Australian soldiers and their families.

Renee’s mother Barb Tamplin said her daughter’s partner had served for the Australian forces in Iraq.

‘She has seen the effect of this on Aaron so it’s an issue close to her heart.’

Barb helped Renee to devise the route. 41kms from Penguin to the Latrobe on day one; 42kms from Latrobe to Deloraine train park on day two and 50kms from Deloraine to Launceston City Park on day three. Renee’s run permit required her to have a team of three cars.

‘All three support drivers, including Aaron, did a tremendously patient job crawling along each day around her. The job of the tail driver, Wayne Hills, was scariest as that car was the first warning of the run for drivers on some very fast roads,’ Barb said.

‘Renee arrived at Launceston City Park on July 7 at around 7.30pm.

‘Needless to say, she was exhausted and ached all over but she had the support of her friend Janelle Nevin who drove the lead car and massaged Renee when necessary on the run.’ 

People wishing to donate to Renee’s fundraiser should go to Mates4Mates Running For Veterans ( and donate using the light blue donate button lower down the page.

The public meeting on the proposed prison will be held at 6pm on August 11 at Deloraine Community Complex, Alveston Drive.