Rates hike averages 11% for Meander Valley ratepayers

Sharon Webb

Meander Valley residents will have a sharp shock to their budgets in 2021–22 when their rates go up an average of around 11 per cent.

Percentage rate increases in the municipality’s major towns are: Blackstone Heights 8.5; Bracknell 12.8; Carrick 11.3; Deloraine 12.5; Hadspen 12.2; Mole Creek 10.3; Prospect Vale 10.1; Westbury 11.9.

The rate boost is mainly because of higher rubbish costs and increased staff numbers at the council. 

While the general rate increase is 3.75 per cent, Meander Valley Council has also increased rubbish collection prices for all sized wheelie bins by around $100 a year.

The fixed rubbish cost per household has also almost doubled from $56 a year to $107. But residents will receive two free tip vouchers in 2021–22.

The council’s 2022 operating budget provides for an underlying deficit of $653,200. 

Rates, fire levy and waste charges are 67.5 percent of council revenue.

Corporate services director Jonathan Harmey said rubbish costs had increased considerably, with recycling costs increasing by 93 per cent over two years.

‘We continue to experience significant cost increases in kerbside recycling bin collection. This is common for all local government and private operators in the recycling market. The cost of recycling and resistance of Asia to accept Australia’s recycling input has increased cost to the householder.’

Meander Valley Council continues to stress that the municipality has the lowest rates of any northern municipality. They also reminded ratepayers that there was no rate increase in 2020–21 because of COVID 19.

Mr Harmey noted, ‘The rate increase is designed to keep pace with the cost of delivering the current level of service, including the additional positions created in the council’s organisational review in December 2020.’ 

The mayor Wayne Johnston assured ratepayers the council would do everything it could to keep waste charges in check.

‘We’re actually going to do something with waste in this municipality.’

Cllr Michael Kelly said, ‘The rubbish thing has been hanging over our heads for a long time, six or eight years.’

Cllr Stephanie Cameron commented, ‘Waste has gone up so much it’s unbelievable.’


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