Meander Valley Gazette

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Quamby Fly Fishers Club comes of age

Members of the Quamby Fly Fishers Club recently enjoyed a day at Huntsman Lake in the Meander Valley, with a barbecue lunch and some casting practice in preparation for the coming fly fishing season. Photo supplied.

The Quamby Fly Fishers Club turns 25 years old this year. 

The club was formed in 1996 when a public meeting to canvass support for the idea of forming a club primarily for the enjoyment of fly fishing was held in February of that year.

That first meeting was attended by twenty people and the decision was made to proceed and Quamby Fly Fishers Club was born.

Throughout the early years the club maintained a membership of 15–20 people. The numbers dwindled to about ten regular members for a few years, but over recent times there has been a conscious effort to raise the profile of the club which has seen a rise in membership once again. By the close of the 2020–2021 fishing season there were 31 active members. 

The philosophy of the club is to welcome fly fishers of all levels from the beginner to the very experienced. Members are always willing to teach, coach and advise anyone wanting to learn, as well as share experiences and support each other as more proficient anglers.

Quamby Fly Fishers will celebrate their club’s 25 year milestone with a dinner to be held on Saturday 4 September.

Organisers are keen to have as many past members there as possible regardless of the length of their connection. 

It would be great to reconnect with those who helped get the club started. 

Interested previous members planning to attend are urged to contact Eve or Trevor Berne before 20 August on 0427 695121 (after hours please) for further details.