Meander Valley Gazette

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The singer, not the song

Stephen Gorin, presenter of ‘Voices that Sing’ on MVFM. Photo supplied.

John Phelps

Now, what would induce a newly retired man and his wife to move from Mildura, Victoria, to live in Bracknell, Tasmania.

While Stephen Gorin was working in the electronics service industry, they made some caravanning visits to Tasmania and what they saw convinced them that this is where they wanted to be, with quiet, peaceful, changeable weather and beautiful countryside. The ideal place to retire. 

Stephen was able to continue his hobbies of electronics and amateur radio operating (VK7SVG is his call sign), and soon found himself drawn to making his own radio programs with MVFM.

His choice in music is wide but singers figure prominently. 

However, the singers have to know how to sing. Not surprisingly then, his MVFM program is called ‘Voices that Sing’.

Stephen developed his taste in popular music by listening to big bands. Tommy Dorsey was an early favourite, as was Shirley Bassey. He maintained his enthusiasm until the music of the 1980s started to become a little too ‘heavy’. 

Stephen was fortunate to have a work colleague with an encyclopaedic knowledge of popular music who encouraged Stephen to develop his own knowledge and enthusiasm even more.

Listening to music is how Stephen relaxes. His great love for, and knowledge of a wide and varied spectrum of music means that when he is in his man cave, he can immerse himself in it. One stipulation however, he has to be able to play his music up to ‘my volume’, as he puts it.

If you wish to hear some performers who really know how to sing, you might choose to listen to Stephen’s program ‘Voices that Sing’ on MVFM on Sunday evenings from 8pm.