Shed start for Westbury!

Already an informal workshop for locals (from left), Alan Mitchelson, Geoff Berry, Nick Koukoulis and Will Parker, an official Men’s Shed at Westbury Health Centre will offer increased participation for other Westbury men. Photo supplied.

Westbury will soon be home to a Men’s Shed. 

The original idea came from the Westbury Health Advisory Committee (WHAC) in 2020, in the midst of the first COVID-19 outbreak. The committee saw a need to provide better opportunities to improve men’s health and one solution was to set up a Men’s Shed in Westbury.

Approaches to Westbury Rotary and Lions Clubs drew positive responses leading to the formation of a Men’s Shed Committee. They expect to have the shed up and running in September.

Committee chairman Harley Nicholls said that the shed will provide an activity outlet and meeting place where men can undertake small projects and interact with their peers.

‘The major purpose of Men’s Sheds is to improve the state of men’s health, particularly their mental health. Most men have learned from our culture that they don’t talk about feelings and emotions. Many do not take an interest in their own health and well-being.

‘Becoming a member of a Men’s Shed provides a safe and busy environment where men can find many of these things in an atmosphere of old-fashioned mateship. And, importantly, there is no pressure. Men can just come and have a yarn and a cuppa if that is all they’re looking for.’

As well as Rotary and Lions, the project has strong support from Meander Valley Council and groups such as Westbury RSL, Meander Valley U3A and Westbury Garden Club.

The shed will open for one day a week at the existing sheds behind Westbury Health Centre. Hours could be extended, depending on interest.

‘Initially, we will be concentrating on woodwork projects but there is plenty of scope to expand into other areas, such as welding and metalwork,’ Mr Nicholls said.

Tasmania currently has sixty four Men’s Sheds which conduct a variety of activities. 

Mr Nicholls said that the Westbury committee’s visits to a number of these sites have provided invaluable insight into the possibilities.

He urged the community and local businesses to get behind the idea and to get involved. 

‘We have some basic tools and equipment to get us started but would welcome any donations that may be forthcoming.’

The Men’s Shed Committee has arranged for a community meeting to take place at the Westbury Community Health Centre at 2pm on Tuesday 24  August, to gather local input and ideas and to answer questions.  

Enquiries about Westbury Men’s Shed can be made by phone on 0414 891 793 or by email to


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