Deb White elected to council
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Deb White elected to council

Meander Valley has a new councillor following the resignation of Susie Bower, who is standing for Lyons in the coming federal election. Cllr Deb White was elected on a recount of the 2018 vote but is not a new face on the council.

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Halls Hut at Lake Malbena registered by Heritage Tasmania
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Halls Hut at Lake Malbena registered by Heritage Tasmania

A bushwalking hut at Lake Malbena in the Walls of Jerusalem in the central highlands has been provisionally registered in the Tasmanian Heritage Register. Halls Hut has become embroiled in the conservation battle over the Wild Drake ecotourism business proposed by Daniel Hackett, who has leased the island in Lake Malbena.

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Exton crash raises questions about Bass Hwy quality
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Exton crash raises questions about Bass Hwy quality

A two-car crash that killed two people on the Bass Highway near Exton has raised concerns about the safety of non-divided sections of the road. The people killed were, sadly, Victorian parents on holiday with their three teenagers during the mid-year school break.

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Gracious Bentley moving on in history
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Gracious Bentley moving on in history

In a Tasmanian winter when the hawthorn hedges at Chudleigh are bare of all but berries, you can see historic Bentley from Mole Creek Road. In other seasons, hedges grown by former owner Phillip Oakden conceal the spreading white home tucked under an unnamed hill and backed by the majestic Western Tiers.

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Historic property still for sale
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Historic property still for sale

A month after expressions of interest in an historic Exton property were supposed to have closed, the property is still on the market. Owner Carl Porter said he’d had ‘plenty of offers but no takers’.

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Deloraine Meals on Wheels turns fifty!
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Deloraine Meals on Wheels turns fifty!

On Tuesday 27 July, Meals on Wheels held a special afternoon tea to celebrate the Deloraine Branch’s 50th anniversary. Around 40 people attended Deloraine Community House, including Bev Jordan and Ruth How, two volunteers who have been involved with the branch for 50 years, and many others involved for over 25 years. 

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Gayle lives the lottery life in Tas
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Gayle lives the lottery life in Tas

Gayle Pollock reckons she’s won the lottery, living in Westbury and running her business in Deloraine. ‘The community and people here are genuine,’ the owner of the Purple Thistle clothing shop said. ‘I’ve lived in a lot of places and the people here are beautiful.’

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Cameron elected as Liberal deputy
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Cameron elected as Liberal deputy

Meander Valley councillor Stephanie Cameron has been elected deputy president of the Tasmanian Liberal Party. Councillor Cameron, who lives at Chudleigh, was elected unopposed.

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Neighbourhood house workers flock to Deloraine conference
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Neighbourhood house workers flock to Deloraine conference

Accommodation in the Deloraine and Westbury areas is filling fast for September 22–24 when the Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania conference will be held in Deloraine. The 2021 conference keynote address will be Learning from stories: women in community leadership, and the conference will be opened by Tasmania’s deputy premier, Jeremy Rockliff.

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Local Lions unite for mobility
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Local Lions unite for mobility

Coming together at a joint meeting of Deloraine and Westbury Lions Clubs last month were Deloraine Lions Club President Terry Pickett, Westbury Lions Club President Phil Steers, Tania Rattray MLA, joined by the Tasmanian coordinator of the Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation George Bugeja and his wife Therese from Ulverston Lions Club.

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Local action for a global cause
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Local action for a global cause

Protestors from the Meander Valley and across the north travelled to Launceston on Saturday June 5. World Environment Day was the opportunity to bring attention to the lack of environmental action by governments across the world.

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News April Underhill News April Underhill

Vale, Victor

Victor Smith of Deloraine, resident at Grenoch has sadly passed away. Victor was a founding supporter of Deloraine Online Access Centre.

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Prison drilling starts again
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Prison drilling starts again

Work on the Northern Regional Prison on Birralee Road has ramped up now the State Government’s self-imposed election gag on the issue is over, but the State Government could yet find that its chosen site is illegal.

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