Hazelbrae Hazelnuts hails new harvester

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APRIL 2015 |

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HAZELBRAE HAZELNUTS at Hagley will use a $75,000 Federal Government innovation and investment grant to expand, says owner Christie Mcleod.

The funding will cover the purchase of needed equipment for the processing of hazelnuts, the refurbishment of an existing farm shed and conversion of an unused farm cottage into a tasting and tourism centre.

During a recent visit to the state, Federal Lyons MP Eric Hutchinson said that it was wonderful to see government funding put to such good use to build an expanding agribusiness in Lyons.

The addition of a new harvester, truck and other infrastructure funded by the grant will enable Christie and her partner, Michael Delphin, to take care of the growing demand for the harvest needs of other hazelnut growers in the state. Christie said there were plans for construction of a small shop/café in the homestead gardens to sell a range of their hazelnut products including chocolate coated hazlenuts, hazelnut ice-cream, oil and various creams.


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