Meander Valley – Get Involved

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THE DELORAINE District Angling Club has welcomed in the New Year with an overhaul of the club, plus benefited from new members with fresh ideas!

They would now like to invite anyone with an interest in fishing to attend a meeting, with a view to joining the club and keeping it alive for future generations.

Some fishing trips are planned, along with BBQ and fishing days and junior fishing events.

The Deloraine District Angling Club meets every third Monday evening of the month at the British Hotel, Deloraine at 7.30pm.

Join them to talk about fishing, listen to locals and learn about new products.

Affiliation with the North Western Fisheries Association (N.W.F.A) the club gives a voice from Deloraine.

For more information, check them out on Facebook– Deloraine District Angling Club.


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