Police Report with Inspector Scott Flude

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POLICE ARE reminding home and property owners to remain vigilant.

Whilst crime rates in the area remain low, we are still having break-ins occurring at private residences and some businesses.

Generally, not much property has been taken in each instance and generally, the main costs are associated with the damage being caused to gain entry to these places. It is important to remember to lock up your property at all times when you are away as well as remembering to activate your security systems, if you have one.

Cash, jewellery, power tools and firearms are still the most sought after property to steal.

If anyone requires advice on general security matters and wishes to speak with Police about these concerns, please feel free to call the Deloraine Station and I will have someone come to see you in relation to this or any other concerns you may have.

All information provided to us will be treated in total confidence.


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