Launch of youth IT employment initiative

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_custom_heading text="Launch of youth IT employment initiative" font_container="tag:h2|font_size:40|text_align:left" google_fonts="font_family:Abril%20Fatface%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal"][vc_column_text]MAY 2015 | ROBERT CREWS

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THE MEANDER Valley Economic Renewal Action Group (ERAG) has launched a career development project for youths wishing to enter the field of Information Technology.

“It may surprise some members of the  community that Meander Valley residents include very experienced and qualified technology practitioners.

By combining these expert mentors with resources generously made available by other local organisations, we are now in a position to commence business operations” said ERAG Technology Portfolio Leader Robert Crews, adding “ERAG actively promotes the ability of the Meander Valley community to secure its own economic future bringing together the strengths of its individuals.”

To be initially based in Deloraine, this new unit will offer a broad spectrum of IT services to local businesses, such as website design and management, software and internet games development, social media marketing, computer systems management, digital graphics and video production.

A commission has been obtained to build a website to promote a youth health issue and discussion commenced with Rotary on ways to introduce technology to support the Tasmanian Craft Fair.

A major focus will be the rapidly growing world-wide Public WiFi industry which is projected to have a turnover of $150 billion by 2018.

Trials of Public WiFi have been conducted during recent events which have identified exciting interactive marketing concepts that have the potential to create a burgeoning technology industry in Meander Valley and make full use of the arrival of the NBN.

By creating local IT careers, the drift of our most talented youth away in search of employment can be reversed.

To encourage the Meander youth to become involved with this program, an internet-based LAN Games Party is to be held in Deloraine shortly, with full details available soon.

“Our youth is our future, as over time they become the leaders of the community. It’s up to us to ensure their future”, commented Mr Crews.

For further information about this initiative email robert.crews@erag.



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