Wealth of information at your fingertips

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A WEALTH of local information is at your fingertips.

Next time you are looking for demographic or economic information simply visit the Meander Valley Council website.

Here you can access the Meander Valley REMPLAN ‘Your Community-’ and ‘Your Economic-’ Profiles.

Your Community Profile enables you to analyse the population characteristics of your community, understand how they have changed over time and how they compare to other areas.

The profile answers the majority of frequently asked socio-demographic questions.

Visit Your Economic Profile to analyse your local economy at a glance.

The summary page provides headline stats on local population, employment, output, tourism and gross regional product (GRP).

From this page, you can explore and understand your economy in terms of industry contributions, the role of tourism, workforce characteristics and trends.

The data is presented in easy to use tables, charts and commentary covering a wide range of Census questionsLocal data can be compared to the Northern Region and Tasmania figures by ticking the ‘Benchmarks’ check boxes.

Council, the general public, students, community groups, organisations, business and investors all use these profiles to become more informed about the community in which they live.

The profiles present data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing in 2011 and 2006 for the local government area, and for smaller areas within it (e.g. towns and suburbs) and are located via the following links:

www.meander.tas.gov. au/YourCommunityProfile and www.meander.tas.gov.au/YourEconomicProfile


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