Mole Creek Martial Arts

Kim Rye

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JULY 2015 | 

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MOLE CREEK resident, Kim Rye is a formidable force to reckon with when it comes to unarmed combat.

Attaining Shodan 1st Black Belt in 1983, she began her karate career in 1977. Kim is now Shotokan Karate International Australia (SKIA), Grade Nanadan [7th Dan].

Teaching Karate since 1984, there are 5 active dojos in Kim’s former home in Queensland that are run by her students.

In 2009, Kim started the Tasmanian SKIA dojo.

Over the years Kim has had a very successful competition career with many Queensland state titles, numerous National titles, and successful Internationals with World Champion 1sts and 3rds.

Several of Kim’s students have achieved high ranking and also world champion status.

“The discipline, hard training and the learning of self was a winner for me,” Kim shares. “I could not get enough. I would train every single day and kept up this practice for many years. I had a hunger to be the best I could be, for me.”

She adds,“It‘s through my teaching and sharing of knowledge that I enjoy a most gratifying and truly rewarding experience.”

Kim teaches every Tuesday and Thursday at the Mole Creek Hall from 5.30pm to 7.00pm.

The class is open to all ages and beginners are welcome.

For more information on Shotokan Karate, call Kim on 0410 080 260.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


Stepping out in Style


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