Local bank pooling assets

Giant Steps pupils with teacher enjoy the new heating in their pool

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IT’S ON occasions like this when the generosity of community grants comes alive.

For the children at Giant Steps it is a huge benefit to be able to use their pool all the year round to have fun and receive therapy at the same time. $28,000 grant from the Deloraine and Districts Community Bank has made this possible for Giant Steps.

The installation of a heating and ventilation system for the school’s indoor pool has made an enormous difference according to school principal Tim Chugg, “Up until now we’ve only been able to use the pool 3 months of the year…now it’s all year round. It’s an enormous benefit to our students, increasing their relaxation and well being.”

Giant Steps is a ‘one of a kind’ school in Tasmania catering for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders.

The grant, one of a number made this year by the bank to local organisations, is a graphic illustration of how community funding can help worthy causes to progress and be of benefit to our community.

All up, a return of $80,000 has been made to community projects this year by the bank, and the total over the past 10 years is $840,000.

The more people that bank with Deloraine and Districts Community Bank the more money they are able to return to community projects.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


Auxiliary a great operation


A very special lady