Auxiliary a great operation

Sept 2015 Sandra Atkins Deloraine District Hospital

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SEPTEMBER 2015 | Wendy Laing

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THE DELORAINE Hospital Auxiliary began in 1968. Its main aim was to raise funds to buy and update equipment that would benefit patients and staff at the hospital.

The Deloraine District Hospital is a 20 bed acute care facility that includes palliative and general medical care.

Mrs Joan Loone was an inaugural member of the auxiliary. She has been secretary and treasurer for forty six years.

She recalled that the first lunch they catered for in 1969 was a two course meal and cost $2 a head. ‘We still made a profit.’ She said.

Mrs Helen Clayton is another long standing member, and has been president for over twenty years.

Major items the auxiliary have donated to the hospital have included television sets and small refrigerators in all the patient and staff rooms. Three months ago, the auxiliary presented the hospital with a cheque for $30,000 to be used mainly for upgrading items in the kitchen area.

‘We have twenty four members at present,’ Mrs Clayton said. ‘We meet on the first Monday of each month and always welcome new members.’

For more information please ring Helen Clayton on 6362 2658.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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