Small bore rifle club targets new members

Sept 2015Barry Youd Small Bore Rifle 1

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BARRY YOUD (pictured) got involved with the Deloraine Small Bore Rifle Club when a former member asked him to come along.

It must be addictive because, 24 years later, he is still an active member shooting with the club once per week, joining with other clubs from Launceston and Ulverstone for shoots once or twice per month and attending national competitions each year.

He finds the personal challenge more interesting than competition saying, “I enjoy the concentration and the challenge to hit that little white dot.”

The sport is a pathway to competing at international level.

It’s one of the only Olympic sports where the current world champion is over 50 years old, so age is not a barrier.

The club is willing to support new members by providing equipment to us before buying their own. They will also provide some coaching and safety instruction which is a top priority for all clubs of this nature.

“We’re not professionals but we can teach the safety aspects,” says Barry.

Established in 1952, the current members are keen to ensure its ongoing viability and are looking for past members to rejoin or new members to come along and learn the craft.

Anyone interested in joining can contact club president Robert Scott on 0407 902 266.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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