The perfect mix for Mole Creek Pool

mole creek pool

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ON SUNDAY 20th December Mr Leon Porter, CEO of Sibelco, presented a generous donation to the Mole Creek pool committee.

This donation was gratefully accepted by Ms Patsy Scott, President of the Mole Creek Swimming Association Inc., and has been used to purchase a pool self-chlorinator.

The swimming pool, known as the Jack Cox Memorial Pool, has been in operation for nearly 30 years.

During this time the chemical balance has been attended to manually on a daily basis from members of the pool committee.

There have been combined efforts from members of the Swimming Pool Committee and the Progress Association of Mole Creek with several working bees to get the pool up and running for this summer.

Sibelco have been ongoing supporters for many years and this contribution to the community will be most welcomed by the many children and adults who enjoy this popular recreational facility.

The Swimming Pool Christmas Stocking raffle was also drawn and Leah Blair of Mole Creek held the winning ticket.

The swimming pool committee would welcome any donations, big or small, as the maintenance of the pool relies heavily on sponsors and donations.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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