Accolade for Natalie

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February 2016 | David Claridge

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AUSTRALIA DAY is a day to recognise people who achieve above and beyond, Natalie Dell of Blackstone Heights is one of those and was recognised with the Young Citizen’s Award.

Presented by the Meander Valley Council, the award is one of several award winners and volunteers who were recognised.

“To me this award means that you have been a notable citizen by contributing and being involved in your local community activities.” Ms Dell said.

“I paid my own way to Vietnam in 2014 (aged 18) and volunteered, teaching English to University Students aged 19-30 at two separate schools.”

The Meander Valley Council said on their website: “Ms Dell volunteers much of her time to help improving the lives of young people both in Meander Valley and overseas. She has been involved in several local leadership camps and is now a valued leader for the younger age groups.”

Ms Dell has created a Summer Camp based in Launceston and hopes to turn it into a yearlong venture, attracting youth and families.



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