Vintage fun at Chudleigh Show

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February 2016

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CHUDLEIGH SHOW-goers have been treated to displays of vintage agricultural machinery and tractors for many years.

Recently, the range has been extended to include vintage cars and motorcycles as well, thanks to displays organised by the Veterans Car Club, the Vintage Motorcycle Club, and Ulysses Motorcycle Clubs.

Joe Clippingdale, member of the Show Committee, says, “This complements the Show’s focus on fun, family and community.”

Other patron-pleasers are the children’s Pet Parade, a Kids’ Corner with wind tunnel and jumping castle, and the Deloraine Big Band playing rousing music throughout the day.

Ron Morgan and Geoff Harvey will also showcase their horsemanship skills.

Since vintage motorcycles and cars were first introduced to the Show, as many as 30 vehicles from the early 1920’s onwards, have been on display for patrons’ enjoyment. The popularity of these vehicles has ensured that the event is now an annual fixture.

“Probably the oldest car there this year will be my 1917 Overland, with a few pre-1930 vintage cars, and a selection of classics,” said Joe.

Don’t miss Chudleigh Agricultural and Horticultural Society’s Show on 20th February 2016.



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