Meander Valley - get involved

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February 2016

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A sibling folk duo The Acfields will play original material at the Marakoopa Cafe natural amphitheatre on Saturday 13th of February.

Rythym Magazine describes the Acfields: “there’s no denying the power of their sibling harmony and they have a striking ear for song crafting and instrumental arrangement”.

The Acfields will be supported by Velvet Sledgehammer, a folk trio playing traditional songs with vocal harmonies.

The Marakoopa Cafe is near the Mole Creek Caves ticket office, 186 Mayberry Road, Mayberry.

The music starts around 5:30pm and will end around 8:00pm.

Tickets are available by calling 6363 5033 or purchasing from the Marakoopa Cafe: $10.00 for prepaid or $15.00 at the door. Children under 5 yrs free, chilren under 12 $5.00.

Tasmanian Beer, wine, hot dogs, soup, soft drinks and coffee will be available.

Strictly no BYO. Please bring a blanket or rug, a hat, sunglasses and something warm to wear.


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