Rosevale chop resurrected

Wood chop 2 Zak Beams wins at Rosevale

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MAY 2016 | Stephen Briggs

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AFTER 20 years, the wood cutting competition has returned to Rosevale. With some of Tasmania’s elite axemen at the event, it was set to be a competition full of skill and big hitters.

Some of the competitors had just returned from the Royal Easter show competitions in Sydney, with local Matthew Gurr taking second place in the world 300mm tree felling championship. Hence, they were set to bring the sport back to this small community.

The Rosevale event was an important lead up for any axeman who wants to represent Australia in Germany later this year, with the selection being at the Stihl timber sports Australian series held at Agfest from the 5th to the 7th of May. For axeman Dale Beams, this will be his opportunity to be selected and put on the green and gold again. Being part of the Australian team to compete in Hungary in 2014 had him wanting more.

With Zack Beams taking out the 250mm standing and Dale Beams the 275mm, Michael Maine took first in the 300mm underhand. There were many more winners throughout the day.

Over all, it was a lovely sunny day to reopen the event. The turnout of people was good and a family BBQ topped it off. Why would you not get behind the next Rosevale woodcutters’ competition?

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


Sport in brief


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