Footy comp

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June 2016

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CHALLENGING POETS and photographers.

Your Challenge: capture the ‘essence of the game’.

Go to football matches between 3rd June and 30th July 2016.

Any game – any competition – any level – anywhere in Tasmania.

Create a poem about or photograph a football match.

Capture events on the oval and its immediate surrounds from when the umpires walk onto the field to when the last umpire or player walks off at  the end of the match.

Submit your poems and photographs to Match-day Football or enter the Matchday Football competition with a prize pool of more than $1000.

Selected poems and photographs, including main prize winners, will be included in the Match-day Football Exhibition.

Send your poems, photographs and submission/entry to: Match-day Football, PO Box 170, Deloraine, Tasmania 7304 or email matchdayfootball@

Closing date for all submissions and entries is 12th August 2016.

For more info, visit www.



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Joey scouts