LISTmap workshop for small farms

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June 2016

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SMALL FARM owners can now learn to harness the power of mapping to better understand and manage their properties.

NRM North in association with the Tasmanian and Australian Governments and the National Landcare Programme are providing two training sessions introducing the features and functions of LISTmap, a free and publicly available online map application.

The sessions are being held on 25th July and 1st August from 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm at NRM North Office, Level 2 McKenzie Building, 63-65 Cameron Street, Launceston.

You will need to bring a laptop or enquire about borrowing one.

Refreshments will be provided and RSVPs are essential to au or phone 6333 7777.

If you have any enquiries, please contact Megan on 6333 7775 or email mdykman@


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