Fire proof your home

Image 8. A house fire at three minutes

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JUNE 2016 |

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AS THE weather cools down, the number of house fires will increase in Tasmania.

The key message of the Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) 2016 Winter Home Fire Safety Campaign is that most house fires can be avoided.

“It is a statistical fact that winter is the busiest time for house fires,” TFS Community Education officer Chris Tomes said.

“There are common danger zones for fire around the home including heaters and open fires, clothes driers, the kitchen, faulty electrical goods and people being careless with cigarettes and candles.”

Mr Tomes said most fires in the cooler months could be avoided if people took simple precautions.

What makes a house fire so devastating is the combination of fire and poisonous smoke.

Three minutes is all it can take to lose your home and family to fire. or free-call 1800 000 699.

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