In the garden with Nell Carr


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AUGUST 2016 | Nell Carr

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PUMPKINS IN winter storage should be regularly monitored for signs of rot, particularly in the depression around the stalk.

January rain will have left a pool of water there and if not cleared, the rot starts there, and it’s usually the biggest of the sweet greys which are affected. The rotten section can be cut out, and the pumpkin cut up in pieces for storage, although they will not keep well unless cooked and frozen, or used for pumpkin soup.

This can also be frozen, and there is a deliciously moist pumpkin cake which keeps well.

Seedlings of the brassicas can be planted into soil enriched with compost or well rotted manure.

Seeds of garden peas can go in in August and September - if left too late, the pods develop an unsightly mould, but too early, there is a danger of the flowers getting frosted, and hence no crop.

The aim is to have fresh green peas by Christmas.

If a dry enough spot can be found, seeds of onions and spring onions can go in.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Nell Carr


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