Laugh at a hit from Dit

dit briggs reading hour deloraine libraryV2_

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BUT WHAT about the grownups?

This year Deloraine Library is participating in the annual Reading Hour for the first time, getting the adults involved too.

If you love a good read and a good laugh please come along and join in the fun on Tuesday 16th August between 12.00pm and 1.00pm.

Local poet, Dit Briggs will entertain with a number of her original poems, including her famous Gumboot Rap, and delve into the world of comic short stories.

Tap into your inner child and be reminded how wonderful it is to be read to.

Hear Dit read poems inspired by Pam Ayres and other poets who write to make us laugh.

Let the telling of humorous tales recharge your batteries.

Take a blissful hour out and have a laugh just for the sake of it and enjoy Reading Hour 2016.

More details are available through the Devonport LINC Facebook page or enquire at the library.

For more information pop into the Deloraine Library or visit www.eventbrite. and search for Devonport LINC.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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