Visions from the valley

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October 2016 | Elizabeth Douglass

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THE LAUNCH of the 10th annual Meandering exhibition was held in the quiet, plush Mezzanine Gallery at Country Club Tasmania, attended by an appreciative gathering of about 80 local artists, enthusiasts and dignitaries.

Launceston and Meander Valley Art Societies, the Meander Valley Council and Meandering sponsors all work hard to foster Meandering, which coincides this year with Launceston Art Society’s own 125th anniversary. Society President Carolyn Riley noted that Launceston has the longest continually operating art society in Australia.

Mayor Craig Perkins headed the distribution of the awards. Afterwards, while an anniversary afternoon tea was served, winners were congratulated, and the paintings were critiqued and admired.

Joan Loone, at 92 years, demonstrated that age is no barrier to creating and enjoying art with her entry, Spring has Arrived.

The fires and floods which devastated the Meander Valley this year featured strongly in the images on show.

The exhibition theme ‘Vital Signs’ was also highlighted by artists celebrating the continuity of the seasons and the farming year.

The winning artworks ranged from landscapes (Severe Weather Alert by Robyn Moon), to portraits (Ben, Northern Tiling Contractors by Alison Cooper-White).

The major acquisitive prize was a scene of cattle being groomed for judging (Chudleigh Show by Brad Quinn).

One delighted gentleman commented that he never expected to see Chudleigh Show in a painting!

Established artists or novices, Valley natives or blowins, Meandering once again showcases the talent and creativity that thrives in the Meander Valley.


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