Eco friendly childcare

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October 2016

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GOING GREEN with community involvement has garnered local early learning and care centre, Goodstart Prospect Vale, Northern Tasmania’s ‘Waste NoT’ Award.

It embeds sustainability practices into its daily running, while building children’s understanding of the importance of sustainable practices through hands-on experiences.

Overjoyed, Centre Director Natasha Jarman credits her team for the results: the local garden centre and Bunnings donated plants for garden beds of fruit trees, vegetables and herbs; with plans for an orchard.

All is tended by the children and families, who harvest crops to take home, and for the centre’s healthy nutritious cooked children’s meals – with eggs by its six laying hens and a worm farm composting food scraps.

Children and families deposit paper, plastic, boxes and tins at its recycling station, too.

With families taking these ideas home and the children knowledgeable about recycling, up cycling and re-using, the centre is developing further strategies to create more sustainable environments.


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Visions from the valley