Beware of scammers

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October 2016 | Alistair Carr

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IN THE last few days a new scam has being doing the rounds and at time of writing the scam seems restricted to Pakenham Victoria. However, it could easily spread further afield.

People are leaving USB drives in sealed plastic bags in letterboxes.

The drive contains malware and adware of various sorts which will harm your computer and may steal personal information.

So do not plug this drive in to any computer or device even if you have an anti-virus programme.

More generally you should never connect any sort of storage device from an unknown source.

Also be aware the annual “Tax Office” phone scam is again doing the rounds.

This is a phone message or call claiming to be from the Australian Tax Office stating that you owe them money and if you do not pay immediately you will be arrested.

The Tax Office never operates this way so just delete the message or hang up on the caller, no matter how convincing they sound.


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