Local snappers exhibit talent

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November 2016

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WINNERS OF the Great Western Tiers Photographic Competition were announced on Friday 14th October at the Tourism Association’s AGM.

Entries were judged by a panel of two professional photographers and two tourism specialists.

The People’s Choice award was selected by ‘likes’ of the photos on a Facebook page. Over 2,000 views of competition entries have been recorded.

The Landscape category was won by Jacqui Stacey’s Autumn Morning Overlooking Quamby, and Jade Hallam’s photo Found a Fossil, Western Creek took first place in the People category.

Kim’s Place at Night by Konrad Steinmuller won the Enhanced category. Bailey Sides’ Snowy Track came first in the Youth category, while Shauna Mayben clinched the People’s Choice with her Tiers Stag.

All 85 Pictures can still be seen on the Association’s Facebook page, Great Western Tiers Touring Route, showing the range of talent and stunning scenery in this region.

Prints of the photographs were displayed at Elemental Art Space for the awards presentation, and photography will be used to promote the Great Western Tiers.

The presentation was attended by about 40 people including our local member Guy Barnett and tourism consultant Rick Martin.

Rick spoke to the meeting about the new tourism strategy for the Great Western Tiers, branding the route as one of History and Mystery.


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