Memorable moments

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November 2016

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MOLE CREEK Photographic and Visual Arts Inc. is holding an exhibition of their work on the weekend of 26 to 27th November in the Mole Creek Memorial Hall from 10.00am to 4.00pm. Entry is by gold coin donation.

The exhibition will feature work from around 10 members and is a way of sharing with the outside community some of the beautiful scenery that is to be found in the region as well as to showcase the diverse talent of local artists.

The club has also produced their own calendar of images from the region, which will be available for purchase during the exhibition - a great Christmas gift to share the wonders of the region.

Artists will be available to speak with and discover the stories behind their works. Various artworks will be available for sale.

Visitors will also have the opportunity to choose their favourite photograph from the club’s monthly competition. A drawing competition from the local school children will also be on display.

Other attractions will beopen on the day including local gardens Wychwood, Old Wesley Dale, Marakoopa Café and Blackwood Park Cottages.

For more information about the exhibition, or the arts group, please call Suzanne on 6363 1361 or email


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