Devonshire Tea and quality quilts



DECEMBER 2016 | David Claridge

FANS OF gardening and quilting were given a rare treat, with numerous quilts on display in a beautiful garden, with the money raised going to a worthy cause.

About three hundred people braved the elements on a wet November weekend at the Hawthorn Villa Stables in Carrick to attend the fourth ‘Quilts in the Garden’.

Event organiser, Nicole Pearce said that the event is about raising money and awareness for Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

“We originally started the event as one of the quilting ladies in my mother’s quilting group has MS,” she said.

“Over the years, including this year, we have raised about $13,000.

“It’s a lovely event for a great weekend and to help get more awareness happening.”

The mud brick stables accommodation on the property, were utilised to display many of the quilts and an inviting indoor café kept people out of the elements.

“It was a crazy weekend weather-wise so we couldn’t hang the quilts all around the garden like we usually do.”

“Garden and quilt lovers still turned up to support us which was fantastic,” Mrs Pearce commented. An extra interest on the Saturday were the wonderful vintage cars displayed by Chester.

Various quilts were on display by the many creative people involved with the Devon Patchworkers and Quilters group, including traditional and modern, patchworks, as well as silk embroidering.

Photo | Mike Moores


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