From Coopers to Corvettes

red car street car show 2017 simon sherriffred car street car show 2017 simon sherriff

red car street car show 2017 simon sherriff

MARCH 2017 | David Claridge

IF YOU happened to be around Deloraine on the 19th February and didn’t know there was a car show on you would have got quite a surprise, as around 500 classic and custom cars filled the main street and gave the public an amazing event.

The idea for the show began with Deloraine business owner and car enthusiast Grant Evans and others who formed a committee to create the street car show. After getting council approval to use the main street to display the cars, last year was their first event.

This year, with bad weather predicted, many car owners and enthusiasts chose not to come for what turned out to be a fantastic day as the classic car gods smiled on an estimated 7,000 - 10,000 people who came to Deloraine to see what was on display.

“We extended and got more street shut off this year, so we were able to fit a few more cars in. The weather forecast was terrible for the day, and I think we could have got 600 cars if the forecast was better,” Grant Evans explained.

There was a good range of vehicles on display, with all of them predating 1988. Enthusiasts got to see big American cars with wings, Cadillacs, and even iconic Australian Holden Toranas and GT Falcons. People were also treated to several bands, a DJ for entertainment and a jumping castle for the kids.

“There was a group of about 25 Mustangs travelling around Tasmania that attended the show. They were all mainland cars which had come to Tassie not knowing the show was on, but when they found out about it they incorporated it into their trip.

Entry was free but people could donate to support the SES and Tasmania Fire Service as selected by the committee.

“Everything was positive for the day. All the feedback from the car owners and the public was very positive, and the shops were absolutely packed.  Everyone was so happy and having such a great time. It was really a wonderful day.

Photo | Simon Sherriff


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