Deloraine High School extends its influence

April 2017 | Marguerite McNeill

DELORAINE HIGH School has plans to extend its school curriculum to include permanent classes for grade 11 and grade 12 students by 2018.

This year marks the second year of trialling the program and it has proved so successful that Principal Lee Barker is keen to see it a fixture at the school.

“We’re very happy with the results of the trialling,” she said.

“The style of teaching is working well. The students are really engaged. They are focussed and independent. They like working in their own space and are learning good time management skills and like submitting assignments online.”

The program provides a pathway for students who have difficulty with travel, health and other issues. Grade 11/12 classes are an extension of the school providing a program to retain students and teach them post-school skills. Mrs Barker said that it suited students who want to get their TCE (Tasmanian Certificate of Education) as well as gaining qualifications in courses that will help them gain employment on leaving school.

“This program enables them to enter the workforce skilled and ready to go. When they leave here they will be very employable.”

Mrs Barker said that the program was aimed at providing students with sound skills in Maths and English as well as giving access to other subjects such as child studies, art, history and science. She said it also gave students the chance to do VET (Vocational and Educational Training) courses. The aim is not to compete with Launceston (or Newstead) College but to provide enhanced opportunities for those who are less inclined to travel for study. Currently students involved in the program are working as a separate entity in a classroom based in the Trade Training Centre located near the school.

Mrs Barker said there was no room to house the Grade 11/12 program within the school and that an application for funding has been lodged to officially resource a proper facility for the program. Although there are some limitations to the program with what can be offered, she is delighted by the very positive response shown by students and staff.


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