
May 2017

MEANDER VALLEY Councilor Andrew Connor is concerned that the recently signed Launceston City Deal ignores the needs of significant parts of the Launceston Urban Area because they are under different Local Governments.

The Launceston City Deal is a five-year plan which intends to position Launceston as one of Australia’s most liveable and innovative regional cities. Councillor Connor says that Meander Valley and West Tamar Councils have hardly been consulted on this Deal.

Cr Connor said his calls “to the relevant State and Federal ministers seeking more input on the City Deal process…were not returned.”

“An amalgamation of Meander Valley and West Tamar’s urban areas into a Greater Launceston Council or Tamar Valley Council would ensure… the needs of all residents are considered in future negotiations... Not just those of the City of Launceston.”


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