No imitations, originals only

May 2017 | Antonia Howarth

THE 18TH Originals Only Night presented singers, instrumentalists, writers and actors from as far afield as Hobart and the East Coast to Sheffield, Launceston and Deloraine.

Delightfully introduced by Catzen Smith and presented by the Deloraine Dramatic Society, the small but growing audience listened to a variety of presentations with an interesting light supper to break the presentations.

Kim Imber provided some interesting string and songs, Rusty Nails gave us blues, there was some quirky poetry, and Jesse McCormack sought crowd funding for his new CD.

The highlight for the evening, however, was Black Amps with a foursome on strings eliciting gypsy themes which was definitely in the folk genre and energetic and well-coordinated.

This is a biannual event.  Anyone wishing to participate in the future could contact Suz Haywood on 0409 695 200.




Organ donation to Parkham