Archaic sewerage update?

July 2017 | Sharon Webb

MEANDER VALLEY Council has unanimously voted to work with TasWater to develop a cost estimate for a Bracknell sewerage scheme and to fund the estimate from its 2017-18 operating budget.

Cllr Bob Richardson said the reason for Council’s existence was the health, well-being and safety of the community – and Bracknell had a real health problem not being recognised by TasWater.

“In Bracknell the problem lies in the sub-soil and therefore the sewerage system is not doing its job,” he said.

“The health risk translates downstream from Bracknell via the Liffey River into the Meander River, the South Esk and into Lake Trevallyn – which is Launceston’s water supply.

“I believe the only way we’ll get this important problem addressed is if we take the initiative. We shouldn’t have to fund it ourselves but I’m sorry, I think we must.”

Cllr Deb White supported Cllr Richardson: “I believe Bracknell has a lot of catching up to do; the current situation is archaic and untenable and we must do it.”

Cllr Connor commented that “sewage running down the street” was not acceptable: “We have to put our money where our mouth is.”

While Cllr Synfield acknowledged the problem needed to be fixed he said it was a TasWater issue, and Cllr Michael Kelly noted: “Bracknell is being left in the dark – we should bite the bullet and take the bull by the horns.”

Mayor Craig Perkins said TasWater had indicated a willingness to work with Meander Valley Council: “But they can’t put it into their priority list until they understand the scope of the problem.”


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