Fly fishers Open Day

July 2017

IF YOU are currently involved in fishing, or wish to be, Quamby Fly Fishers Club invites you to its Open Day.

Held at Meander’s Memorial Hall on 23rd July starting at 10.00am find out about all levels of fly fishing from beginner to experienced from skilled Club members; several of whom have competed in international, national and state fly fishing championships.

Demonstrations and advice will include fly tying and entomology, casting, knots, gear selection, cleaning and filleting, where and when to fish; with ample time for practicing some under expert tuition.

Entry is by gold coin donation. Bring your wallet for lunch.  Accommodation at the Thousand Islands Lodge is a major prize in the raffle.

Funds raised will support club representatives Joshua Flowers competing in New Zealand’s Oceania 2017 and 2018’s World Championships, and Grant Flowers in the 2018 Commonwealths in Ireland.

The club has regular fishing outings around lakes and rivers and encourages a relaxed, social atmosphere.

For more information, call Eve Berne on 03 6369 5121 or 0427 695 121 and Mark Sutton on 0409 647 966, or visit their and the Club’s Facebook.


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