More beds for harvest workers

July 2017 | Sharon Webb

MEANDER VALLEY Councillors have supported increased accommodation for seasonal agricultural workers in Deloraine, despite vigorous objections from neighbours.  Greg and Ann Beck, owners of Glendel on Quamby Brook Rd, applied to increase on-site numbers from 88 to 103 by adding six prefabricated pods.

But neighbours objected, saying the noise made by Tongan workers was already unacceptable, pressuring Council to limit numbers to 60.

Mrs Rosalie How told councillors her family’s tranquillity had been interrupted by buses transporting the workers from 4.30am.  She said the Tongans had noisy outdoor church services and played ‘doof-doof’ music at all hours.

“The music, singing and raucous behaviour just echoes up and around to the neighbouring properties,” she said.

“The hours of the day that this occurs is totally unacceptable and unpleasant.  We didn’t choose to live next door to 112 noisy backpackers.”

In a letter to the Council, Mrs How and her husband Adrian complained that worker buses were driven unsafely and the sewerage smelt.

Replying, Mr Beck said the Howe’s house is 100m away from Glendel; no-one had told him about problems and he had visited most surrounding properties before establishing his venture.

“I am completely mystified by why nothing has been mentioned to me before or to Council, as normal people are fairly quick to notify Council,” he said. “These people had someone to ring who could fix it all overnight but they couldn’t be bothered.

As soon as I was made aware of these complaints they were rectified. They have been easily fixed as the Tongans are lovely people who respond to instruction.

“The Federal Government’s inspection of this site felt it was probably the best worker accommodation they had ever seen.”

The majority of councillors recognised the importance to local agriculture of a supply of worker accommodation;  Mr Beck maintains the Tongans’ employers spend around $100,000 a month in Deloraine.

Council supported the development conditional on an onsite manager being present and the bed number not exceeding 103.

Cllrs Synfield and Michael Kelly supported keeping numbers to 88 as the area is a low density zone but they were out-voted.


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