Connecting to the earth

August 2017

 A SESSION called ‘Introduction to Embodyment – A Journey for Women’ will be held at Deloraine House on Saturday 2nd September from 2:00 to 4:00pm.

Embodyment is described by workshop facilitator Tani Garde as ‘”connecting your body to the earth” and “living in the moment.”

“To an athlete it might be the key to their spontaneous brilliance. To an artist it might be a rare glimpse of beauty that inspires joy in others. For many of us it might be a feeling you get when everything just flows.”

“It is the understanding that our bodies and the earth are connected and that the feeling responses of our body are a guide to keeping authentically engaged with each moment” says Tani.

Tani’s other professional practices as a Pilates instructor and Counsellor have given her the view that there need not be anything mysterious about the earth-body connection.  Delivered in the simple terms of everyday life, the knowledge that feelings are a language used by our bodies to connect with greater realities is a lifelong gift with no use-by date.

Bookings are essential.  Phone 0422 742 297 or visit


Optus comes to Mole Creek


May I have this dance?