Bittersweet sale

October 2017 | David Claridge

ON A cool September day in Westbury, people gathered at the town hall. Many media outlets were also present as something was about to happen that is rare in Australia.

A property in Mole Creek was being auctioned by the council after years of seeking several thousand dollars in rates from the Beerepoot family.  The owners refused to pay because, in their opinion, the land belonged to God and the council should seek the money from him.

Cameras and recorders were positioned around the room.  As the auction began a first bid of $20,000 was made.  About six minutes later the hammer fell at the small amount of $120,000, far below the estimated value of the property.

An anonymous phone bidder won the auction.

Meander Valley Mayor, Craig Perkins, watched from the background, making sure that things went to plan.  Afterwards, Cr Perkins answered the media’s questions.

“After many years of trying to seek the repayment of the rates, (as we are required to do by law), we were required to take action to sell the property to recover them,” he said.

“The owners acknowledged that we would auction their home.  They were reaffirming that their land was owned by God.

“Hopefully there is a lesson learned here and they start to pay the rates on their properties in Chudleigh.”

The Beerepoot’s currently own two other properties in Chudleigh, including the Melita Honey store and honey farm. Their outstanding rates were mysteriously paid before the auction date.

From the auctioned price, the council will recoup the money owed in rates, pay any fees related to the auction and any other outstanding mortgages while the Beerepoots will get what’s left.

The real estate office involved in the sale of the Mole Creek property was contacted for comment about updates on the process, but they declined to answer any questions.


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