In the garden with Nell Carr

THERE ARE at least 60 garden plants listed in the Encyclopaedia Botanica owning to the common name of “rose”, when they are not members of the Rosaceae family.

Among them are Lenten Rose, which correctly belongs to the extensive genus of Oriental Hellebores.

The Sun Rose, which bloomed so profusely in the Commonwealth Bank Garden Deloraine, during the Craft Fair is really a Helianthemum nummularium a member of the Cistus family, and the correct name of the pretty yellow lowered shrub Rose of Sharon is Hypericum calcinum.

The profusely flowering white shrub pictured here in the garden of the Great Western Tiers Visitor Centre is popularly known as a Guelder Rose. In reality, it is a member of the large Viburnum genus, several specimens of which can be found in the same garden. This is V. opulus. The yellow flowering ground cover in the foreground is a member of the huge Euphorbia family, Cypress Spurge, or E. cyperissias.

A lot of confusion could be avoided by using the correct genus names of garden plants - the species name is not usually necessary.

In the vegie garden

In order to avoid frost damage, December is the last month to sow cucumbers and pumpkins. If they have already been germinated in boxes under cover, then time to maturity will be much shorter. Potato tubers, celery and and sweet corn, (this in three or more short rows to facilitate pollination) should also go in this month.

V. opulus or ‘Guelder Rose’.V. opulus or ‘Guelder Rose’.

V. opulus or ‘Guelder Rose’.


Christmas cheer


Village green carol service