Volunteer Manager’s forum

By Wendy Laing

A MORNING TEA to celebrate International Volunteer Manager’s Day was held on Wednesday, 7th November in Deloraine House to thank Volunteer Managers who enhance and enable the spirit of volunteering in the Meander Valley.

Organisations present included members of the Council and managers of the Visitor Centre, Forest Helpers, Pearns Steam World, Meander Valley Gazette, Neighbourhood House and a member of Volunteering Tasmania.

Guest speaker, Mr Garry Conroy-Cooper, Manager of the Launceston Library spoke about the vital role of a volunteer manager. “Volunteers are our greatest asset.’ Mr Conroy-Cooper said. ‘Imagine the confusion it would cause by withdrawing all volunteers throughout the Meander Valley for one day, one week or even longer.”

“Young people like project-based volunteering or opportunities that might lead to employment.”

Volunteer Managers are responsible for selecting, training and supervising volunteer staff of an organisation. They must be able to communicate effectively with volunteers, paid staff mem- bers and clients.

“Different age groups volunteer differently,” Mr Conroy-Cooper said. “Young people like pro- ject-based volunteering or opportunities that might lead to employment. Middle aged and retirees tend to prefer long time volunteering over extended periods of time.”

It is the manager’s role to ensure a volunteer has a good understanding of the requirements needed in an organisational role. Volunteering should be a pleasant and rewarding experience, not a point of tress. Remember that some may have faced significant personal challenges. A thankyou card, email or phone call is always appreciated.

For information about the Meander Valley Managers of Volunteers Group, please email Vicki Pryer at vicki.pryer@greatwesterntiers.net.au.

The group meets bi-monthly to support volunteering in the Meander Valley. All volunteer managers and coordinators are welcome to attend.

From L to R: Nan Preston, Gary Conroy-Cooper and Anne-Marie Loader. Photo by Mike MooresFrom L to R: Nan Preston, Gary Conroy-Cooper and Anne-Marie Loader. Photo by Mike Moores

From L to R: Nan Preston, Gary Conroy-Cooper and Anne-Marie Loader. Photo by Mike Moores


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