Mole Creek residents gets ready to take the plunge!

Mole Creek swimming pool is scheduled to reopen in the new year, after leaks were plugged and joints repaired, courtesy of a grant from the Tasmanian Community Fund.  Photo suppliedMole Creek swimming pool is scheduled to reopen in the new year, after leaks were plugged and joints repaired, courtesy of a grant from the Tasmanian Community Fund.  Photo supplied

Mole Creek swimming pool is scheduled to reopen in the new year, after leaks were plugged and joints repaired, courtesy of a grant from the Tasmanian Community Fund. Photo supplied

by Sharon Webb

MOLE CREEK residents will cool off this summer with a splash in the local swimming pool after its successful $64,000 upgrade.

But the opening date has been delayed by COVID-19 restrictions.

The pool’s reopening is a big achievement for the small town.

The 1980s era pool is Mole Creek’s only recreational facility, built by the community and operated by volunteers.

Mole Creek Progress Association president Trudy Richards said renovations and repairs had gone to schedule.

‘All leaks have been repaired, tiles replaced and a waterproof coating applied.‘Expansion joints have been

repaired and a special silastic applied to the joints’, she said.

‘The final coat, which is called quartzon, was applied in late November and the pool refilled. Chemical balances have been tested and adjusted to reach the standard required for public use.’

In July the Tasmanian Community Fund granted the association $45,475.50 to repair the pool.

After an expert in a wetsuit found three or four leaks, Mole Creek’s swimming pool community committee got to work to raise the funds to pay for repairs.

Meander Valley Council donated $3000 and the Bendigo Bank $5000.

‘The exact pool reopening date depends on COVID-19 restrictions but ideally it will be in the new year’, Ms Richards said.


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