The best ‘job’ in the world


ATTENDEES AT this year’s Agfest will have the opportunity to talk with Life Without Barriers’ Carer Ambassador Katie Wells about, what she says, is the best and most rewarding, job in the world.

‘My husband and I decided 18 years ago we had room in our home and hearts to give a child or maybe more than one, a loving stable home. We made a phone call and found out that there was a huge need for families and homes,’ says Katie.

‘Fostering has grown me as a person, and it changed our lives. It has opened up a whole new world, that we didn’t know existed. It strengthened our family.’

The rewards of being a foster carer are endless. ‘You can be an amazing part of a child’s life, making a huge difference, that could influence them forever. If they get to go home that’s a win in our eyes,’ says Katie.

If you have any questions or want to chat with Katie or any of the Life Without Barriers team, you can find them near the front gates of this year’s Agfest tent number M02 in Main Street.

Or call Kathryn Wynn from Life Without Barriers on 0436 699 629 if you would like to find out more.


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