Trashbusters clean up Mole Creek!

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Written By Maddison Byard (grade 6) and Harry French (grade 5).
Edited by Miss Kirsty Holmberg (teacher).

Over the course of a year, grade 4/5/6 students at Mole Creek Primary School have been thinking about going around their town to collect the rubbish as a ChangeMaker project.

For the people wondering, a change-maker project is something that will change the world physically or mentally for the better – even picking up a piece of rubbish everyday on your way home for one week is changing the world. Well, at least Mole Creek.

The Trashbusters finally got a chance to do some change-making, on Clean-up Australia Day.

It took them over an hour and a half to cover most of Mole Creek and pick up all its rubbish.

They have even made a display of all the rubbish they have collected, so if you want to see this display, come to Mole Creek Primary School.

They chose to do this because a) who doesn’t want a clean town?! And b) nobody will come to the town if there is rubbish everywhere. Plus, the wildlife will decrease very fast.

Mole Creek has a lot of wildlife and we like to play our part and protect them.

Lots of aluminium was found during the hunt around Mole Creek the same thing with plastic. Also, less popular things like fabrics, string, leather, plus paper and glass were found.

They even found a canvas which was pretty intact. If you want to hear about how long these items take to decompose and break down, then please come on down and have a look at the display.

The main people who led in this project were leader of the Trashbusters, Harry French (Grade 5), and co-leader, Matilda Tabuyo (Grade 6).

These students are really passionate about the environment and very inspired by Greta Thunberg’s climate campaign.

They were also heavily inspired by JCP Empowering Youth who aren’t afraid to do what needs to be done, and inspires kids like us to take action and make the world a better place.

But of course, many other people were involved and Harry and Matilda felt so thankful and grateful that everybody got onboard so wholeheartedly: grade 4/5/6 teacher, Kirsty Holmberg; principal, Nathan Rockliff; K/P teacher, Mr Bissell; Ms Langmaid; and parent-helper, Bree.

Thank you to grade 4/5/6 and Prep students for helping make this dream become a reality.

We encourage you to go out into a local park, river’s edge, oval, your garden, or even the street (safely) and to do your bit to help keep our world clean by picking up any rubbish, and recycling where possible.

We only have one Earth – let’s look after it!

The words and pictures on this page were all supplied by Mole Creek Primary School students. We would like to invite other local schools to write stories, take photos or make artwork and become involved in creating a page in the Gazette. Please contact 6286 8212 for details.


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