Representing you: who’s who of elections 2022

In the first week of October, Meander Valley residents who are enrolled to vote will begin to receive postal ballots for the 2022 Local Government Elections.

Voting in local elections is now mandatory and ballots must be returned by 2 pm on October 25.

Twenty one candidates are competing for one of nine Councillor positions including Mayor and Deputy Mayor. 

To help locals get to know our prospective candidates, the Gazette has asked each of them to provide a personal statement and answer some questions.

We asked:

Q1 What qualifications, experiences and/or skills would you bring to Council?

Q2 What is your vision for Meander Valley?

Q3 What are the key changes/ issues/ concerns of residents that you plan to support as a Councillor?

Q4 How will you be accessible to Meander Valley residents?

Q5 Do you have any political endorsement or affiliations?


Stephanie CAMERON
Chudeigh | Councillor & Deputy Mayor

A proud sixth-generation Tasmanian, I operate a farm at Chudleigh with my husband where we are raising our two children. We also run a plumbing business, giving me an in-depth understanding of the opportunities living and working in our region. First elected as a Councillor in 2018, I am an experienced advocate in the interests of local families and regional communities. I value honesty, loyalty, and the opportunity for individual effort to be rewarded. Our community deserves a council which represents the entire region and I am focused on working together on behalf of all ratepayers.

Q1 I am a wife, mother and small business owner. I am a rate payer. I have worked in private enterprise as well having a good understanding of all levels of government. I have been a councillor for four years and am a member of many organisations and community groups.

Q2 A place where my kids are proud to call home. Where small business thrives and where families choose to all home. A region that focuses on the future while being grateful for the past. Where the community is involved in decision making

Q3 Better communication with ratepayers. Responsible spending. A stronger region. Sustainable growth. Community Parks and Playgrounds. Listening to the community.

Q4 I am always keen to hear from members of the community. I am often at community events and love engaging with people about what is important to them.

Q5 Not endorsed or representing any political party. Liberal Party Member.


Christine CRONSHAW
Quamby Brook | Councillor

My husband and I have lived in Quamby Brook for the past 25 years. We chose this area not only because of its uniqueness but because it offered us the ability to seek work and most importantly we believed it to be a good place to live and to raise our daughter. I am a qualified Accountant, I also have a Diploma in Financial Planning. Being a Councillor involves many responsibilities, all of which I take very seriously. I believe a good balance between the rural community, tourism and the general community will ensure this area is sustainable for future generations.

Q1 As a Councillor I believe my experience in finance will be of benefit in Council decisions in addressing community needs. Having been involved on various committees and Boards, I am more than aware of the work and time commitment required of a Councillor.

Q2 My vision for the Meander Valley is to see this area continue to grow for future generations. To ensure the community and local business concerns and ideas are represented to Council to achieve growth and development in the Meander Valley whilst retaining the uniqueness this area offers us.

Q3 Not being a current Councillor I am not privy to all issues relating to residents of this area. I would obtain all relevant information in order to address future issues and those currently not resolved thus allowing me to address the issue appropriately. 

Q4 As CouncilIor I would be contactable by telephone or email. In addition, where Councillors are invited to community meetings, I will make every effort to ensure I attend those meetings.

Q5 I am completely independent, not aligned with any political party.


Oasmaston | Councillor & Deputy Mayor

I am putting my hand up for Councillor and Deputy Mayor of the Meander Valley because I feel I have the right mix of experience and youthful exuberance needed to represent the future of our community. I am a proud third-generation farmer; the Meander Valley is in my blood. I have also lived in Melbourne studying Health Science (Public Health) and working for Colliers International. My position of Associate Director provided a strong understanding of property planning and people management. I will always listen and act in the best interests of the people. That is not a statement, it’s a promise.

Q1 An effective councillor must first prioritise the ability to listen and gather information before acting. Alongside my Bachelor of Public Health, 4 years of Property and Planning experience and 4+ years as a farm manager I value my time as a Senior Football Coach as an example of listening and leading.

Q2 I truely believe that OUR vision is formulated over time through vigorous consultation with the community. My vision is to best represent those thoughts and opinions with an unwavering commitment to provide a safe, connected and prosperous environment for current and future generations.

Q3 1. Greater consultation and transparency with all members of the community. 2. Explore opportunities to fund enhanced health services in the Meander Valley. 3. Parks and recreational upgrades. 4. Job retention and training.

Q4 I will conduct a monthly public forum (Q & A) on my personal website. Addressing all issues and concerns with accountability, transparency and further action items.

Q5 I am 100% Independent.


Elizabeth DOUGLASS
Westbury | Councillor

I have lived in the Meander Valley for over six years, running a small business, volunteering in the community and spending almost three years as managing editor of the independent Meander Valley Gazette. Transparency is essential in local government and I believe we need better representation and clarity on the issues of climate change, environmental responsibility, appropriate development and heritage preservation. As a completely independent candidate, I also ask you to support other independent candidates in this election, in particular Ms Anne-Marie Loader for deputy mayor.


Westbury | Councillor & Mayor

I’m Ben Dudman and I’m proud to be your candidate for Mayor and Councillor of the Meander Valley. My family have called the Meander Valley home for generations. This community raised me, now I want to give back. We need more community consultation, transparency and accountability on council. I will ensure that your voice is heard, and action is taken to address the issues affecting you. You deserve to have your say on the future of our home. Together, we can provide opportunity for our people and prepare for the future.

Q1 I have a background in small business and law. I understand the value of hard work and dedication to community. I have worked on community boards with large budgetary needs, and I have worked across levels of government. I understand how to navigate legislation and develop best practice policy.

Q2 My vision for the Meander Valley is one where our children are given opportunity of secure work and housing and don’t feel they need to move away to have a fulfilling life. I want to see the relationship between community and council strengthened and our country charm and culture respected.

Q3 The growth of our region is significant and affects us all. Council must ensure that growth is planned and infrastructure is able to keep up with demand. More open and transparent governance is required on Council. I will ensure this by providing accountable and communicative leadership with residents and ratepayers.

Q4 I will host regular street stalls, utilise social media, and keep my mobile number public. That way you can give me feedback and keep informed of my work and council’s.

Q5 Not endorsed/representing a party. Member of the Australian Labor Party.


Westbury | Councillor

I have no fancy slogans, false hope or empty promises to give. I offer you simply what the position is designed for, to give you a voice & to take your concerns & questions to the front line to receive answers & outcomes. These answers won’t always be what we want to hear as common-sense doesn’t always prevail, but I’ll defiantly continue to push for it. I will represent all 20,000 + residents and 50 localities of MV regardless of your opinion to extend your voice as the general consensus for too long now is nobody listens; this is to represent all the residents of MV not for personal gain.


Blackstone Heights | Councillor & Deputy Mayor

I’ve lived in Meander Valley my entire life. I’m 28 and passionate about community, equity, and the environment. I have run my own small business for eight years and recently began studying social work at UTAS. Through my studies and through activism, I’ve become more aware of the injustice and unfairness of our social problems. As your local councillor, I would gain insight into our communities from residents and work collaboratively, transparently, and empathetically with you to advocate for positive change.

Q1 Business ownership has taught me the value of good working relationships, meeting the expectations of my customers and how to manage the demands of keeping my business viable. I will adapt these skills into community frameworks, along with knowledge from activism and social work, to represent the needs of residents.

Q2 A focus on the social and ecological environment to improve community and individual well-being. Equity for all residents, and a transparent and community lead council. I would aim to raise the standard of living for residents informed by my experience of peaceful political activism and social justice studies at UTas.

Q3 My main focus will be the matters which best create equity and promote diversity and inclusion. I’d like to develop ways that encourage more community participation through any means, including events and consultation, across the whole council population. To help facilitate the council being collaborative and well informed by residents.

Q4 By being as contactable and flexible as possible to meet the specific needs of residents. Including being present at events hosted by local organisations or Council or meeting residents anywhere across the region.

Q5 I’m an endorsed member (Lyons branch) of the Tasmanian Greens. 


Prospect Vale | Councillor

As a fourth generation Meander Valley resident, I know and love this community, from end to end! Raised on the family farm and working much of my life in the greater Deloraine area, the past 26 years our family has called Prospect Vale home. Our four grandchildren living here are 6th generation. I believe we have a bright future! With a strong business, leadership and training background, and a consultative, common sense approach, I aim to be a solid contributor in decision making that affects all residents of our wonderful part of the world.

Q1 My roles have included multiple office management across Tasmania, State and National training and systems management, small family business start up and growth, and currently I continue as a Workplace trainer, assessor and mentor with primarily Diploma and Cert 4 Business Units. I have strong communication, and balanced problem solving skills.

Q2 To continue to grow opportunities right across the municipality, and to enable the great community spirit and goodwill to ensure that the more vulnerable are not left behind. Challenges, such as housing availability, will need to be addressed so that all residents can look to the future with confidence and enthusiasm.

Q3 With population growth comes the obvious need for land development, which in turn leads to some inevitable challenges. Development and maintaining and enhancing the lifestyle we all enjoy needs to be well considered and balanced, with strong consultation and long term strategy. Challenges lead to opportunities!

Q4 In business, I have always had an “open door” approach as communication and rapport are so vital. If successful, my contact details will be publicly available on the Council website to enable contact.

Q5 I have no alliance or membership with any political party.


Meander | Councillor & Incumbent Mayor

As Mayor, I have represented our community’s best interests, ensured people’s wellbeing during COVID-19 and delivered new and upgraded facilities to the municipality, such as the Deloraine Pump Track and Prospect Park. My family operates a 4th generation mixed farming enterprise; I led the state’s peak farming organization (TFGA) for 6 years and have 30+ years of volunteering with Tasmania Fire Service. Meander Valley is the greatest place in Tasmania to live. I want to ensure this is the case now and for the generations to come. With this vision, I seek your support for re-election as Mayor.

Q1 I am a volunteer with Tasmanian Fire Service and have been for 30+ years. Before becoming Mayor, I spent 10 years on the board of Tasmania Farmers & Graziers Association, with 6 years as Chairman. These experiences in addition to being a business owner show that I can represent our community.

Q2 I want to continue to make Meander Valley the best place to live, work and build a life now and for generations to come; to continue to improve the services and facilities available to the community and work together for everyone’s benefit.

Q3 We have to upgrade our Waste Management plans, continue to review our rates management, and fund our Capital Works Program for improvements across the municipality such as the Bracknell hall and Deloraine Racecourse Precinct. Keeping rates affordable is always a priority.

Q4 I’m always contactable by phone, email, and in person. As Mayor, I have taken countless calls and met with residents across the community to discuss what is important to them.

Q5 I have no affiliation or membership with any political party.


Michael KELLY
Western Creek | Councillor & Incumbent Deputy Mayor

I seek your support to be re-elected as Deputy Mayor and Councillor. A lifetime resident of our municipality, I love our community. With family, properties and a business in the community I understand that people’s needs vary across the urban and rural diversity of our region. With 11 years as a Councillor and 8 as Deputy Mayor I get things done. I will represent your interests, honestly and practically. Stability is something I offer. I support growth, smart investment and choice; I want our community to thrive. Thank you!

Barry LEE
Westbury | Councillor

A true Meander Valley local with passion for community, local government, and issues affecting fellow citizens. A candidate with the vision and determination make a real difference to Council decision making, improve feedback and communication, while delivering beneficial outcomes for the municipality including a focus on Tourism. Integrity and accountability have been key principles underlying my work ethic. I will respect, listen, act and respond. Experience includes Westbury Council Clerk, Bursar Deloraine High School, Tas Parks Guide, Volunteer roles. A Grade cricket & tennis player.

Q1 With fifteen years Municipal office experience, together with formal LGAT qualifications, and the property owner at Hadspen, Deloraine, and Westbury I have an intimate knowledge of the whole Municipality.

Q2 The backdrop of the Great Western Tiers, the mix of urban lifestyle offers a healthy choice for new and old residents.

Q3 Council must improve and listen to the citizens’ concerns. Integrity and accountability are paramount at all times.

Q4 Recently retired from 50 years full time work. I am available to assist all residents with their concerns.

Q5 I will be a true independent, straight forward representative.

Anne-Marie LOADER
Westbury | Councillor & Deputy Mayor

I love Meander Valley, it’s been home for 15 years. From farming in Montana with my husband Paul, to living in Westbury. I’m invested in our community and want to see us flourish. I have unique skills and lived experience, in cities, towns and the farm. From Mole Creek to Prospect, I understand that we’re all different, but we all want one thing: for our Council to make the best possible decisions for everyone. We want to know what Council is doing and be involved in decisions that affect us. My commitment is to listen, be well informed and to advocate. You won’t hear me say that’s not my job.

Q1 I’ve managed staff and volunteers for over 20 years. Supporting adults with learning and literacy is my passion. I achieved a Masters degree while working and raising three children. I’m skilled a managing grants, budgets and report writing. My work and volunteering demonstrate my dedication to community.

Q2 Meander Valley is beautiful. My vision is to see the area managed appropriately. To have developments that enhance and not detract. To be a place where our community can realise their potential and goals. Meander Valley from now to the future: home, environment and industry harmoniously working together.

Q3 Having listened to community the length and breadth of the municipality, the key issues of communication and transparency have been reiterated again and again. Our Council needs to ensure that development is appropriate and that those close to, and affected by, are truly consulted. Consult first, then make decisions.

Q4 I’ll regularly visit each area in the municipality. I’ll let everyone know where and when via The Gazette and Facebook. I’ll be promoting ‘walk and talk’ gatherings in local parks.

Q5 I’m completely independent.

Westbury | Councillor

I’m a solicitor with over 20 years’ experience. I believe that: strong action needs to be taken to combat climate change; our towns are being overrun by inappropriate development; transparency in government is essential. On current evidence, I do not support: the Northern Regional Prison; Marinus Link. Unlike many other candidates, A-M Loader, P. Wileman and I are unsupported by any political party network. We are your truly independent, progressive candidates. We are passionate about standing up for our community. Please vote for us and for Anne-Marie first, as your independent Deputy Mayor.

Q1 I am a solicitor with over 20 years’ experience. I have the skills to readily assess the range of planning and policy decisions that come before Council. I would make an informed and independent contribution to all Council decisions. I have the skills to contribute to better governance.

Q2 Meander Valley is a place that people are proud to call home. We should capitalise on our strengths to attract the growing tourism market and protect and promote our unique heritage and natural values. My vision does not include a maximum-security prison which will detract from the above.

Q3 Poorly conceived, intensive developments across our municipality must be discouraged. Any application for a prison warrants the closest scrutiny. Council’s response to climate change is inadequate and must be addressed urgently. Council transparency and accountability need significant improvement. Councillors should be truly independent of political parties.

Q4 I would make myself available at various venues across the municipality on a regular basis and would attend community driven forums to ascertain community concerns. 

Q5 Past member of the Local Party (independents’ network): not endorsed/representing.


Hadspen | Councillor & Deputy Mayor

My wife and I purchased property and moved to the Meander Valley earlier this year because we believe it is one of the best places on earth where we can be at home and begin our family. Home and homes are what I am ultimately most passionate about. Homes materials, in providing affordable and sustainable housing for all our residents. Homes human, in creating a safe and prosperous environment for the raising of children. And homes spiritual, through the promotion of a community of which we can all be proud to be members of, a stake in the country we can all we responsible for.

Q1 I am an ADF Veteran and volunteer firefighter with experience supporting communities through fires, pandemics, and flood. I have worked in tertiary and secondary education, small business, and government, and currently work for the State Government in environmental management. I hold degrees in engineering, philosophy, education, and business.

Q2 I envisage a Meander Valley where all who desire it can pursue the Australian Dream of affordable property ownership and raising a family in a safe and peaceful community, supported by the modern infrastructure we need. I see us being a national hub for sustainable development and agribusiness innovation.

Q3 I am passionate about sustainable development and want to improve our planning scheme for the long term. This means housing and infrastructure that is affordable, human-scale, aesthetic, sensitive to our heritage, and environmentally sound. This will make Meander Valley a centre for families and business investment.

Q4 As a younger candidate, I am fluent in most forms of communication, and will be available through mainstream social medias, email, and participation in community events throughout the Meander Valley.

Q5 I am a Liberal member but not endorsed.

Elizabeth Town | Councillor

My moral contract to Meander Valley: I will support all of you fairly & consistently. I will be accountable, Honest & inclusive. My 15 years of Local Government experience allows me to understand the needs & wants of our beautiful Meander Valley. I serve our Communities as a Firefighter, Deloraine Lion, Veteran & District Lions Chairperson. Your Vote for me will ensure a balanced seat at Council with the experience, knowledge & skills. If I make a mistake I will own it & mitigate it. We all live in the beautiful Meander Valley. I will ensure we keep it that way for generations.

Q1 With 15 years of Local Government experience. Associate Diploma Local Government Governance. 35 years private and commercial agent investigating several councils in that time. Associate Diploma Business Management. Six start up Business operations with three still running today. Several Board positions over my 38 years of my working career.

Q2 Keeping Meander Valley the best kept secret in Australia. By ensuring Prospect Vale and Blackstone Heights get their fair share of the pie. Sympathetic Development that encourages the natural beauty of Meander and supports the separate communities and village lifestyle. Retaining farm land for farming and Farming Families of Meander

Q3 Keeping Rates as low as possible. Ensuring Council’s budget is fit for purpose. The creation of a consultative committee which will include ratepayers and community members of all villages and suburbs. Tackling waste and the Container refund scheme to ensure council gives back to the community who pays for them.

Q4 My Email is Please feel free to send me your concerns or questions and I will endeavour to get the answers or advice to HELP within 72 hours.

Q5 I’m not a member of any political party!

Deloraine | Councillor

“Voting 1 for me, means having a council member who is willing to listen to the residents of Meander Valley. It means having someone on your side, someone who acts for the people. I have been a member of the Meander Valley for a good number of years. My spouse has lived here all of their life and is deeply entrenched into the community. I am a dedicated husband and community member. I vow to try my hardest to uphold the values of the community of Meander Valley.”

Q1 My youth brings a different kind of element to being a councillor. It allows me to see issues across all generations, and I can understand the community more completely. My day to day job is engaging with and helping people, and I love to listen to my community.

Q2 The Meander Valley I see is a place where people can call home. It’s a community that is unified, and safe. I would like to see cleaner and well maintained public areas, and greater community orientated activities. At the end of the day, Meander Valley is a family orientated area.

Q3 Issues regarding transparency, is just one of the main the issues I would like to support as a member of the council. A council that listens to the people and is always transparent is the main change I would like to see. Also a council that represents all residents of the Municipality.

Q4 I plan, if elected, to always be accessible, as the community needs people on council who are always there to listen and help.

Q5 Member of the Labor party; Not endorsed or Representing.

Prospect Vale | Councillor & Deputy Mayor

Your No.1 Vote will ensure full support to the Mayor and Meander Valley. I live and volunteer in Prospect Vale and am standing to give voice to residents of the eastern end of the municipality. I’m a Registered Nurse working in mental health. Previously 20 years sports manager for Council & AFL. Married 34 years with two sons at St Patrick’s. President, Life Member, Coach Prospect Park Sports Club, Hawks Junior Football and Northern Tas. Umpires. Priorities: cost of living pressures, safer road; pedestrian ways; health; youth services; sport facility development & green waste strategies.

Q1 University educated: sociology (BA), business (MBA), nursing (BN). Public service Australian/Tasmanian government departments and Councils for 15+ years and manager for 15+ years in sport industry. Key skills: Governance & leadership, Budget & financial management, Grants procurement, Community consultation, Development planning, Facility & Risk management, Primary/mental health.

Q2 Meander Valley: an enhanced region, well planned, environmentally progressive and supported urban spaces. Vibrant and liveable hubs that thrive on accessible housing, economic growth, healthy and socially connected residents. Empowering people of all ages and abilities to live, work and access opportunities for culture, recreation and sport into the future.

Q3 Review rubbish collection in Prospect Vale. Ensuring housing densities are well planned and supported with greater urban greening. Ensure sport and recreation hubs meet the needs of all ages and abilities. That older and younger residents have services, programs and infrastructure that supports their safety and inclusion in Meander Valley.

Q4 I will be available daily on social media, email, mobile phone. Propose in person at a pop-up (or permanent) venue in Prospect Vale/Hadspen one day per fortnight.

Q5 Independent candidate. No affiliation with any political party.

Western Creek | Councillor & Mayor

I’ve represented you for eight years; I care, listen to, involve and am accountable to you the community; I’ll continue to stand up and work for better solutions. Some of the serious issues to address right now; loss of many experienced council staff; traffic access/congestion PV/BH, including Westbury Rd; planning matters - housing density/amenity, siting of an adult prison, if at all and an equitable spend of rates across municipality. For action, please vote 1 Synfield for councillor, and for Mayor, to help keep Meander Valley a great place to live and raise a family.

Q1 Some tertiary study, including Personnel Management and Accounting units whilst working in Launceston, including for CPS. Eight years experience as a Councillor. MVC Committees: 5 years Townscapes, Reserves and Parks & two years NRM. Current MVC Councillor representative on Launceston City Council Homelessness Advisory Committee. Decades long history, seeking better planning outcomes.

Q2 To have a council that is truly passionate, energetic and driven to meet and exceed community expectations in all that we do, such that going forward, the municipality is an even better place to live, work, play and visit and that we don’t exclude, or leave anyone behind. 

Q3 Council transparency in decision making. Greater advocacy role by council; prison siting, if at all, an example. Equitable spend of rates/grant monies across municipality. Protecting Council’s Intellectual Property and dealing with employees fairly and transparently is vital - given significant >30 indoor staff losses in < 3 years, in my view, council’s failed.

Q4 Continue attending as many community meetings/functions as possible and be available via phone, email and face to face contact, so as to involve community, in council’s decision making process

Q5 No Political party connection; yes to representing my community!

Westbury | Councillor & Mayor

Re-elect for lower rate rises, equity and putting strategic long term community benefit ahead of short term gain. I am your easiest to find councillor, most days I am at the John Temple Gallery in Westbury, a wilderness and landscape photography gallery I started 21 years ago. I have experience of serving on, and also chairing a number of community, government and business boards at local, state and national levels. As a former winner of the Australian Design Award, the Enterprise Australia Award and the National Small Business Award, I do know how to get things done. 

Q1 Served as Commissioner of the Australian Heritage Commission, Chair of Industry Training Boards and as State President of the National Trust. Worked as General Manager of group of companies employing over 200 people, before that as a farmer, now as a landscape and wilderness photographer, printer, and gallery owner.

Q2 The Meander Valley offers a great lifestyle, it is visually outstanding, with untapped potential which needs to be carefully nurtured. The Meander Valley needs to be known nationally for its own qualities, not simply as a little-known appendage to Launceston or as a space between Devonport or Cradle Mountain and Launceston.

Q3 Manage growth strategically and understand the impact that multiple dwellings close together on the one block has on the character of the municipality. Provide better and multiple road access to the growing urban areas. Plan in conjunction with neighbouring councils a corridor for a Greater Launceston Ring Road before the land is developed.

Q4 I am easily accessible, most days residents can find me at the John Temple Gallery, 103 Meander Valley Road, Westbury.

Q5 I would prefer it if political parties were to keep out of Local Government.

Deborah WHITE
Exton | Councillor

In my 35 years in the Meander Valley I’ve had a strong focus on community well-being, co-founding the Community Shed, Garden and Health Centre in Deloraine, planting trees in Deloraine, Westbury and Carrick, and supporting the Hadspen Skate Park, Bush Tucker Trail and LED Street lighting initiatives. Well-being needs a thriving economy: since elected in 2009 I’ve advocated for business and industry that can adapt to the environmental changes impacting our lives, and for diversity and innovation in food and farming, tourism, manufacturing and transport. If re-elected, I will continue to do so.

Q1 My experience as a teacher, counsellor and Councillor have given me the skills of good listening and clear thinking to help find solutions by rational debate, not allowing personal issues to interfere (thus being known as the Voice of Reason by some) and always fostering respectful relationships at Council.

Q2 I believe we are in for hard times due to pandemics, climate change and war affecting resources, supply, markets, and prices. Therefore, we need to diversify our products and services, develop and support local markets and businesses; provide creative solutions to the housing crisis, and strengthen local support networks.

Q3 I will support: amending the State-wide Planning Scheme, which has allowed density of housing to diminish green space, amenity, and natural habitat; the right of the community to be heard concerning the siting of the northern prison; electrifying transport - government, public and private, and a target of zero waste.

Q4 The Council website contains details of Councillors’ contact details. I am always happy to hear from people about their concerns, and to advocate on their behalf for any action required.

Q5 I’m not a member of/endorsed by any political party.

Westbury | Councillor

I’ve lived and worked over much of the world. The Meander Valley is where my wife, Doreen and I decided to put down roots 20 years ago. We ran Hobnobs Restaurant in Westbury for 10 years; I have life experience and understanding of running a small people business in a regional community. I’ve lived and worked in large cities so understand the needs of urban life. Community views, opinions and concerns must guide the Council, openly, transparently, in trust, for the benefit of the whole community. On Council my one job will be to listen to the community of the Meander Valley and represent them.

Q1 My trade qualifications to Master Craftsman. Academically, I have degrees to MSc in education and training. My career has been hospitality based, from apprenticeship to head chef, then TAFE to University level teaching hospitality management. For ten years I owned and ran ‘Hobnobs’ restaurant in Westbury with a good team.

Q2 People choose to live and visit Tasmania for its history, charm, clean green environment, and a gentler pace of life. The need for housing is indisputable, but all developments must be sympathetic and appropriate in order to maintain our attractiveness as a business base, home and as a tourist destination.

Q3 Appropriate developments that meet the expectations of ratepayer, with balanced input from ratepayers and developers. Adjustments must be made to the MVC Planning Schedule to give more balance whilst still meeting the Tasmanian Planning Scheme. Regulations are made by people, and can be better improved by politically unaligned people.

Q4 I prefer to meet face to face with the community through being available at community ‘clinics’ on a roster basis that I’ll publish on Facebook and the Gazette.

Q5 ‘The Local Party’ member. Not supported or representing the alliance.


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