RSL’s Call to Arms

There are over 17,000 ADF veterans in Tasmania.

The percentage of Tasmanian Veterans with long term health issues is also higher than the national average, which presents a significant challenge in providing support services.

In Tasmania, the Deloraine RSL Sub-Branch caters for the welfare of veterans, as well as organising Anzac Day and Remembrance Day ceremonies, whilst the Ex-Serviceman’s club which is a licensed establishment and includes catering and social activities, which is open to associate members.

It’s an exciting time as the Tasmanian RSL is developing their VeteranHub concept, a game changing model to support our Tasmanian Defence Family.

Through the VeteranHub, we plan to embed a system of early engagement with veterans that provides a continuum of care.

Providing timely and appropriate therapeutic interventions, lifestyle support programs, and veteran friendly medical treatment will improve the health and wellbeing of veterans and their families.

Many younger veterans are not yet engaged in ex service organisations.

We would particularly like to encourage younger veterans and ex-service members to make contact and ideally put themselves forward as members, particularly in a committee role with potentially fresh ideas moving forward.

It is not an onerous undertaking, but to survive and thrive as a RSL Sub Branch to continue our vital work, we would love to see some new faces, both men and women.

For more information contact: RSL President, Greg Hall (, V/President Bianca William (, or Secretary Shirley Howe (


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